That's right!

We want you to CHALLENGE YOURSELF ! 

Have a look around,

In your bathroom: 🛀

How many plastic bottles: shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, facial cleaners, etc ... and other plastic waste can you count?! 🧴

In your kitchen area: 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳

Do you really need to buy those single use, plastic containers or throw-away napkins? 

In your baby's/kid's room: 👶

Ever considered using or trialing "cloth diapers" or buying your little monsters a wooden, educational toy that might stimulate their creativity? 🧩


These are only a few examples of small changes, all of us, can make in our daily lives. 


What changes have you made so far ❓

Leave us a comment, if you need some help to find an alternative and definitely let us know which changes you have made so far ! 🥰


#ecoloveandotherstuff #clothnappies #baby #kitchenhacks #ecokitchen #ecobathroom #eco #ecoliving #ecolifestyle #sustainable #ecobaby #woodentoys #ecoproducts #smallchanges #educationaltoys #gogreen #greenhousehold #ecogifts #eco #plasticfree #challengeyourself #challenge

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